Information Pages
A quick link to PUSHECS Council informational resources related to emergency communications and emergency management. The Information Pages include;
- government alert systems,
- radio systems information
- 911 information,
- regional communication plans
- library of related articles, papers, and books.
Core Concepts
Ideas and concepts to help teams responsible for telecom and communications planning, communications for emergency management, and public safety, to consider the core concepts needed to create a robust emergency and incident plan that will meet your organization’s emergency communications needs.
Employee Personal Preparedness
Tools and resources that can be incorporated into an internal Employee Personal Preparedness program allow you to leverage existing systems and resources to augment or jump-start your own efforts.
View and download presentations and information presented at past Council meetings and events. Each quarter the PUSHECS Council invites local vendors and organizations to present information about topics of interest to Council members check this page for access to these and other useful presentations.
Local Organizations
This page provides fast access to many local and regional organizations that play a role in emergency communications and disaster planning in the Puget Sound area.
Information about vendors and industry resources that may be of interest to PUSHECS members.
The inclusion of specific vendors or resources does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by the PUSHECS Council.
Resource page for COVID-19