Overview of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan

In 2003, the Federal Government established the Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) Sector as a critical infrastructure sector in the United States, recognizing that the healthcare sector’s security and resilience are essential to national security, the economy, and public health and safety.

In 2013 “Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21): Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience”  was issued as a means for the United States to strengthen and secure the country’s critical infrastructure. The Directive seeks to reduce vulnerabilities, identify and disrupt threats, minimize consequences and hasten response and recovery efforts related to critical infrastructure by fostering greater integration and cooperation among public and private organizations.

A Sector-Specific Plan (SSP), updated in 2016, included a set of goals and objectives and an increased emphasis on priorities such as information sharing and emergency response. The plan represented a continued collaborative effort among the private sector; Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial governments; and non-governmental organizations to develop specific membership actions over the coming years required to reduce critical infrastructure risk and enhance Sector resilience.


Sector Partnership Vision
The Healthcare SSP promotes a vision of a public-private partnership supporting the needs of the Healthcare Sector’s critical infrastructure and Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial (FSLTT) government partners to enhance the resilience of the Sector to all hazards.


Sector Partnership Mission
The SSP envisioned partnership’s mission would be to sustain the essential functions of the Nation’s healthcare and public health delivery system and to support effective emergency preparedness and response to nationally significant hazards. Public and private sector partners will evaluate risks; coordinate plans and policy; and provide guidance to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond to, and recover from all hazards that pose a threat to the Sector’s critical infrastructure.


Sector Partnership Goals

  • Risk Assessment: Leverage relationships and resources to assess and analyze threats to,
    vulnerabilities of, and consequences of disruption to HPH Sector critical infrastructure to inform
    risk management activities. Ensure that approaches consider the physical, cyber, and human
    elements of critical infrastructure security and resilience, supply chain issues, and
    interdependencies with other sectors.
  • Risk Management: Enhance the resilience of the HPH Sector by translating risk analyses into
    actionable recommendations for State and local public health departments, individual private
    sector facilities, and health systems at large. Integrate such risk analyses into the mitigation,
    response, and recovery efforts of the Federal Government. Execute risk mitigation activities in a
    prioritized manner with clear plans and metrics for success.
  • Information Sharing: Enhance existing and develop new mechanisms to ensure bidirectional
    sharing of information. Promote sharing of risk information, threats, best practices, and lessons
    learned between government and private sector partners.
  • Partnership Development and Coordination: Develop and implement a “Partnership
    Engagement Strategy” to include outreach efforts to both government and private sector
    entities with a focus on developing relationships with owners and operators of critical
    infrastructure. Encourage the development of regional; State, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT);
    cross-sector; and intra-HPH Sector partnerships to enhance sector resilience, facilitate
    information sharing, and respond to disasters.
  • Response and Recovery: Engage in response and recovery efforts across FSLTT government
    agencies, health care coalitions, and the private sector during and after disasters, including
    cybersecurity incidents. Exercise the ability of the Sector to respond to natural or manmade
    disasters and incorporate lessons learned into future exercises and corrective actions.




National Infrastructure Protection Plan Healthcare and Public Health Sector-Specific Plan

The NIPP Healthcare and Public Health Sector-Specific Plan document provides a framework for establishing partnerships between Federal, State, Tribal, Private and NGO’s to support resiliency initiatives within the Healthcare sector.


Copy of National Infrastructure Protection Plan Healthcare and Public Health Sector-Specific Plan