911 Alternate Contact Phone Numbers for Washington State
Always use 911 first. These alternate 911 numbers are only provided for use in emergencies. Do not try to test the system.
A full list of numbers to reach local agencies amid any 911 outages in King County can be found at the King County Emergency Management site, kingcounty.gov/alt911. A full list for Washington counties can be found at the Washington State Emergency Management site, mil.wa.gov/911-alternative-phone-numbers.
A downloadable spreadsheet providing a list of alternate contact numbers for emergency services for the State of Washington is also available for PUSHECS members. The list shows Counties that have implemented Text-To-911 as an option to contact 911 centers.
Click to download – 911 WA State Alternate Contact List
Washington State PSAP’s
Click to download – https://1drv.ms/x/s!AkE9_WfNCqUlhAl0aypTI28bthRZ
Learn about King County’s E-911 Strategic Pan
- A system to integrate with the state’s E-911 system and local jurisdictions;
- A ten-year technology investment strategy;
- A ten-year sustainable financial plan; and
- An ongoing decision making or governance structure
Click to download the report – https://www.kingcounty.gov/~/media/depts/it/e-911/KC-911_StrategicPlan_20171218.ashx?la=en